As organizations grow so do their teams. Often a company needs to create corporate headshots on a quarterly basis for new hires, a task which can be further complicated by the opening of overseas or out-of-state offices.
Such was the case for a cyber security company with offices in Washington, New York, Chicago, Austin, and Los Angeles. Their HR department called me on a Friday looking to do headshots for their recent recruits in Century City. Fortunately, I was able to accommodate a quick turnaround and we scheduled an on-site session for that following Tuesday.
As a branding photographer, it can be tricky to matchup new headshots with old ones, as environments, lighting conditions and shooting styles all vary from photographer to photographer. From their website About page, it was clear that even their Leadership Team had been photographed at different times.
Wisely, their web designer had offset any variety in backgrounds by cutting out the portraits and placing them into a simple white layout.

My goal then was to recreate as closely as possible what I felt was the most flattering and pleasing light (I chose the last shot in the line up above), as well as the overall tone and vibe of the headshots, which needed to showcase confidence, approachability and trustworthiness.
We brought lighting equipment and set up a 5 x 8 shoot space in the conference room and got to work. Luckily for me, the team members showed up with their A-game. They came dressed for the part, and rocked great attitudes. Photographing them was a breeze, it took about 15 mins per person.
After the session, I culled the images down to the best 10 for each one and uploaded them to an online gallery. They were able to choose their favorite two - one for the company and one for themselves. I did some retouching to polish them off, and then placed them into a white background to make it easier on their designer. And voila!
Turnaround time was 24 hours from shoot to final image delivery.
Here are some of the results:
To learn more about booking your corporate headshot session, whether it's a team of two or two hundred, contact - 310.622.4580